This is my own personal build for paths, there are many different paths that you can go down to get different desired results, but as it is I chose to go with the SPD, and also tankiness and various other things just so that my heals hit that much harder. You can always take the crit path but I don’t see a need for that unless pvp is what you wanna do. It allows our class to sit in one place for maximum tankiness! On a side note STOPstacking speed when it reaches 50%, instead start stacking crit because damage is useless, and stop stacking def at 75%, once def is capped start putting points into HP The more speed the better, It lowers Activation Speed and Cooldowns! On to Defense, unless you are going to go for a pvp bard, then all you need to stack is pure Def. OFFENSE AND DEFENSE IS WHAT YOU WANT?!?!?! NOTE TO ALL, THIS IS ONLY FOR BARDS WHO TAKE SORC AS SECOND CLASS
Aura kingdom builds how to#
Ohai everyone! It’s HealYouLoli your FAAAAVORITE RIOT guild Officer!! People keep asking me how to build my bard since I’m so OP. So to begin with let’s start by looking at the offense and defense skills you will need! THIS IS A GUIDE FOR PURE SUPPORT BARD ONLY, WITH THIS BUILD YOU SHOULD HAVE 0 DEATHS IN DUNGEONS AND IF THEY DIE IT WASN’T YOUR FAULT – Can tank well enough when on their own (excluding bosses) – Doesn’t have to worry about crit% which can be hard to stack – Best healing spec in the game currently Here are some benefits and the reason why you should go Bard/Sorc build: I can answer any questions on other bard builds but as far as I am concerned Bard/Sorc is #1. This build guide is only for PURE support bard, I cannot stress that enough. Not The Bard Build Guide We Want, But The Bard Build Guide We Need Aura Kingdom Bard/Sorc Support Build Guide by acemaloof